How To Raise A Non Picky Eater


Are mealtimes with your child turning into a battle of wills? Picky eating can be a common challenge for many parents, but with the right strategies and tips, you can help your child develop healthy eating habits and become a non picky eater.

In this article, we will explore effective feeding strategies and mealtime tips that can make a positive difference in your child’s eating habits. From creating a pleasant mealtime environment to understanding the reasons behind picky eating, we’ll provide practical advice to help you navigate this common parenting challenge.

Key Takeaways:

  • Avoid distractions like TV or toys during mealtimes
  • Let your child feed themselves and offer choices
  • Implement a take it or leave it policy and don’t force them to eat
  • Limit snacking and eat vegetables before dinner
  • Be a role model and try food more than once

The Impact of Mealtime Environment on Picky Eating

Creating a positive mealtime environment is essential in preventing picky eating habits in children. The atmosphere and surroundings during meals can greatly influence their behavior and food choices. By following these tips, you can ensure that your child has a positive mealtime experience and develops healthy eating habits.

Avoid Distractions

Eliminating distractions like television and toys during mealtimes helps your child focus on eating and encourages them to pay attention to their food. This allows them to be more mindful of their meals and may help them develop a better appreciation for various flavors and textures.

Create a Pleasant Atmosphere

Make mealtime a pleasant and inviting experience by setting the table in an organized and clean manner. A bright and welcoming eating space can positively impact your child’s mood and overall enjoyment of the meal. Consider decorating the table with colorful placemats or engaging conversation starters to make the experience more enjoyable.

Encourage Positive Interactions

Promote pleasant conversations during meals by engaging your child in age-appropriate discussions or asking open-ended questions. Encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences can make mealtimes more enjoyable and foster a positive mealtime environment. Positive interactions can also reduce stress and anxiety around food, making your child more willing to try new things.

Table Manners and Etiquette

Teaching your child good table manners and etiquette helps create a positive mealtime experience for everyone. Emphasize the importance of sitting together at the table until the meal is finished and encourage your child to use utensils properly. Modeling good manners and demonstrating appropriate eating behaviors can positively influence your child’s eating habits.

“The mealtime environment is crucial in shaping your child’s relationship with food. By creating a positive and inviting atmosphere, you can help them develop healthy eating habits and reduce picky eating tendencies.” – Dr. Emily Johnson, Pediatric Nutritionist

Benefits of a Positive Mealtime Environment:
Encourages mindful eating
Promotes healthy food choices
Reduces stress and anxiety around meals
Fosters positive family interactions
Improves overall eating experience

Understanding the Reasons Behind Picky Eating

Picky eating is influenced by several factors, including taste sensitivity, modeling behavior, parental control at mealtime, and social influences. By exploring these reasons, parents can effectively address and overcome picky eating tendencies in their children.

Taste sensitivity

Some children have heightened taste sensitivity, making certain flavors, textures, and smells more difficult for them to tolerate. This can lead to aversions and a limited food repertoire. Understanding your child’s taste sensitivity can help you introduce new foods gradually and find alternatives that align with their preferences.

Modeling behavior

Children often learn eating behaviors by observing their parents and other family members. If parents demonstrate picky eating habits or display strong food preferences, children are more likely to imitate these behaviors. Modeling healthy and adventurous eating habits can positively influence children to be more open-minded about trying new foods.

Parental control at mealtime

Excessive parental control during mealtimes can contribute to picky eating. Pressuring children to eat certain foods or finish their plate can create a negative association with mealtime. Instead, it’s important to provide a variety of nutritious options and let children decide how much they want to eat. Offering choices and involving children in meal preparation can also empower them to make healthier choices.

Social influences

Children are influenced by their peers and the social environment in which they eat. They may be more hesitant to try new foods if they see their friends or classmates exhibiting picky eating behaviors. Fostering a positive eating environment both at home and during social gatherings can encourage children to be more adventurous and open to trying new foods.

“Parents can positively influence their child’s eating habits by being role models and creating a supportive mealtime environment that promotes healthy eating behaviors.”

Understanding the reasons behind picky eating allows parents to implement strategies that address these factors and support their child’s journey towards developing a diverse and balanced diet. By incorporating the right mix of taste exploration, positive role modeling, autonomy, and social interaction, parents can help their children develop healthy and sustainable eating habits.

Understanding the reasons behind picky eating
Factors Influencing Picky Eating Strategies to Address
Taste sensitivity Gradually introduce new flavors and textures, offer alternatives
Modeling behavior Demonstrate healthy eating habits, be an adventurous eater
Parental control at mealtime Offer choices, involve children in meal preparation, don’t pressure to eat
Social influences Create a positive eating environment, encourage social interaction

The Role of Snacking and Beverages in Picky Eating

The type and amount of snacks and beverages your child consumes can have a significant impact on their eating habits. It’s essential to be mindful of the choices you make when it comes to snacks and beverages, as they can influence your child’s nutritional intake and contribute to picky eating tendencies.

High calorie drinks like juice and soda should be limited, as they can fill up your child and reduce their appetite for nutritious meals. These drinks often lack the nutritional value needed for proper growth and development. Instead, opt for healthier alternatives like water, milk, or diluted fruit juice.

When it comes to snacks, prioritize options that offer nutritional value such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and cheese. These snacks contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that promote optimal health. Encourage your child to try a variety of fruits and vegetables to expand their palate and discover new flavors.

Snack Options Nutritional Value
Fruits (apple, banana, berries) Rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber
Vegetables (carrot sticks, cucumber slices) Packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants
Nuts (almonds, walnuts) Good source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber
Cheese (cheddar, mozzarella) Provides calcium, protein, and vitamin D

By promoting healthy snacking habits and offering nutrient-dense options, you can reduce the likelihood of your child relying on high calorie drinks and turning to unhealthy snacks. It’s important to create a positive food environment that encourages your child to make nutritious choices and enjoy a well-balanced diet.

Tips for Encouraging Healthy Snacking Habits:

  • Keep a variety of fruits and vegetables readily available for snacking.
  • Involve your child in meal planning and grocery shopping to promote healthier choices.
  • Offer snacks at scheduled times to prevent excessive snacking throughout the day.
  • Be a role model by making nutritious snack choices yourself.
  • Limit the availability of high calorie and sugary snacks in your household.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your child develop a positive relationship with food, make healthier snack choices, and minimize picky eating tendencies.

Establishing a Meal Schedule for Picky Eaters

When it comes to picky eaters, establishing a meal schedule is essential. By offering regular meals and snacks at set times, you can create a predictable routine for your child, ensuring they know when to expect food. This can help reduce anxiety and make mealtime more enjoyable for everyone.

Regular meals and snacks every two to three hours are recommended for picky eaters. This schedule allows your child to have consistent energy levels and prevents them from getting too hungry or too full, which can contribute to picky eating behaviors.

Avoid constant snacking outside of the scheduled times. While it’s important to offer your child regular meals and snacks, it’s equally important to limit grazing behavior. Constant snacking throughout the day can decrease appetite for meals and lead to a preference for unhealthy snacks.

By following a set meal schedule and avoiding constant snacking, you can promote healthier eating habits and reduce picky eating tendencies in your child.

The Benefits of a Meal Schedule

A set meal schedule offers several benefits for picky eaters:

  • Establishes expectations: Knowing when meals and snacks will be served helps your child manage their hunger and anticipate food, reducing mealtime stress.
  • Improves appetite: By spacing out meals and snacks, your child is more likely to come to the table with a healthy appetite, making them more willing to try new foods.
  • Promotes structure: Having a consistent meal schedule provides structure and routine, which can be comforting for picky eaters and help them feel more secure.

Creating a meal schedule is an effective strategy to encourage healthy eating habits and combat picky eating behaviors. By offering regular meals and snacks, you can provide your child with a sense of routine and create a positive mealtime experience.

Mealtime Schedule for Picky Eaters Recommended Foods
Breakfast (8:00 AM) Cereal with milk, whole grain toast, fruit
Morning Snack (10:00 AM) Yogurt, cheese, or sliced vegetables
Lunch (12:00 PM) Sandwich, salad, or soup
Afternoon Snack (3:00 PM) Fruit, nuts, or whole grain crackers
Dinner (6:00 PM) Protein (chicken, fish, tofu), vegetables, and whole grains
Evening Snack (8:00 PM) Yogurt, sliced fruit, or smoothie

By offering a variety of nutritious foods at each meal and snack, you can ensure your child receives a balanced diet and the necessary nutrients for their growth and development. Remember to consult with a pediatrician or a registered dietitian for personalized mealtime guidance.

set meal schedule

Dealing with Eating Quirks and Preferences

Every child has their own unique eating quirks and food preferences. It’s important to respect these individual differences while also ensuring they receive a balanced and nourishing diet. Offering a variety of age-appropriate foods can help expand your child’s palate and encourage healthier eating habits.

Children may have specific aversions or preferences when it comes to certain foods. While it can be challenging, exposing them to different foods regularly can help them become more open to trying new things over time. Remember, it’s important to be patient and not force them to eat something they genuinely dislike.

One way to introduce mealtime variety is by incorporating themes or specific cuisines into your family’s dining routine. For example, you could have a “Taco Tuesday” or “Italian Night” where everyone gets to choose their favorite toppings or dishes. This not only provides a chance to experiment with different flavors but also makes mealtime more exciting and engaging.

“Offering a variety of foods and respecting your child’s eating quirks can help them develop a balanced and healthy relationship with food.”

Another strategy is to involve your child in meal planning and preparation. When kids have a say in what they eat, they are more likely to be open to trying new foods. Take them along to the grocery store or farmers market and let them pick out fruits and vegetables they find interesting. Then, encourage them to help you prepare meals by washing vegetables, stirring ingredients, or even assembling their own dishes.

“By involving your child in meal planning and preparation, you can empower them to make healthier choices and develop a sense of ownership over their meals.”

It’s also essential to understand that food preferences can change over time. Just because your child doesn’t like a particular food now doesn’t mean they won’t enjoy it in the future. Continually exposing them to different flavors and textures can help develop their taste buds and broaden their food choices.

To provide a visual representation of the different eating quirks and food preferences, here’s a comprehensive table showing common food aversions and ways to incorporate variety:

Eating Quirk or Preference Ways to Incorporate Variety
Texture aversion (e.g., dislike of mushy foods) Offer a mix of crunchy, soft, and chewy foods. Experiment with different cooking methods such as roasting, steaming, or grilling.
Color aversion (e.g., avoiding green vegetables) Try a variety of vegetables in different colors, shapes, and sizes. Offer them raw, cooked, or in a creative presentation like vegetable skewers or colorful salads.
Flavor preference (e.g., preferring sweet over savory) Explore the diverse flavors within the savory category. Introduce new seasonings, herbs, and spices to add depth and complexity to meals.
Food group aversion (e.g., not liking meat or dairy) Provide alternative sources of protein and calcium, such as legumes, tofu, or plant-based milk. Ensure they receive adequate nutrients from other food groups.

Remember, the key is to offer a variety of options while respecting your child’s preferences. This way, you can support their development of a healthy and well-rounded relationship with food.

Avoiding Short Order Cooking and Dessert Dependence

As a parent, it’s tempting to cater to your child’s every preference when it comes to food. However, becoming a short order cook can actually hinder your child’s eating habits. Instead of cooking multiple meals to please everyone, try consistently offering a variety of foods to encourage your child to try new things.

When it comes to desserts, offering them with every meal is not necessary and can create a dependence on sweets. Instead, use dessert sparingly and only as a special treat. By limiting dessert consumption, you can help your child develop a healthy relationship with food.

Here are some tips to avoid short order cooking and dessert dependence:

  1. Plan meals that include a mix of different food groups, textures, and flavors.
  2. Encourage your child to try at least one bite of everything on their plate.
  3. Introduce new foods gradually and in small portions to prevent overwhelming your child.
  4. Set a good example by eating a variety of foods yourself and expressing enjoyment.
  5. Offer dessert as a special treat on occasion, rather than a regular part of every meal.

“By consistently offering a variety of foods, you can encourage your child to try new things.”

Remember, it’s important to strike a balance between providing healthy meals and allowing your child to develop their own preferences. By avoiding short order cooking and dessert dependence, you can help your child develop a well-rounded palate and make mealtime a positive experience.


Raising non picky eaters and cultivating healthy eating habits in your child requires patience, consistency, and the implementation of effective mealtime strategies. By following the guidelines discussed in this article, you can create a positive relationship with food and instill lifelong healthy habits in your child.

It’s important to remember that every child is unique, and it may take time for them to develop a taste for new foods. Be supportive and encouraging throughout the process, allowing your child to explore different flavors and textures at their own pace.

By creating a positive mealtime environment, avoiding distractions, and offering nutritious choices, you can foster a sense of independence and curiosity in your child when it comes to food. Keep in mind that variety is key, and consistently expose your child to a wide range of age-appropriate foods.

With dedication and a consistent approach, you can help your child become a non picky eater and develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them throughout their lives. Embrace mealtime as an opportunity for growth and connection, and enjoy the journey of raising a child who appreciates and embraces a diverse and nutritious diet.


What can I do to raise a non picky eater?

To raise a non picky eater, you can implement various feeding strategies and mealtime tips. These include creating a positive mealtime environment, understanding the reasons behind picky eating, establishing a meal schedule, addressing eating quirks and preferences, and avoiding short order cooking and dessert dependence.

How does the mealtime environment impact picky eating?

The mealtime environment plays a crucial role in preventing picky eating. By avoiding distractions like TV, creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation, and promoting positive interactions, you can foster healthy eating habits in your child.

What are the reasons behind picky eating?

Picky eating can be influenced by factors such as taste sensitivity, modeling behavior, parental control at mealtime, and social influences. Some children are naturally more sensitive to taste, smell, and texture, while others learn picky eating habits from their parents. Understanding these reasons can help parents address and overcome picky eating tendencies in children.

How do snacks and beverages impact picky eating?

The type and amount of snacks and beverages your child consumes can impact their eating habits. It is important to limit high calorie drinks like juice and soda, offer nutritious snacks like fruits, veggies, nuts, and cheese, and promote healthy snacking habits to reduce picky eating tendencies.

Why is establishing a meal schedule important for picky eaters?

Establishing a meal schedule is important for picky eaters as it helps your child know when to expect food. By offering regular meals and snacks every two to three hours and avoiding constant snacking outside of the scheduled times, you can prevent grazing behavior and encourage healthy eating habits.

How should I deal with my child’s eating quirks and preferences?

Every child has their own eating quirks and preferences. It is important to respect these preferences while still offering a variety of age-appropriate foods. Exposing them to different foods regularly can help broaden their tastes over time.

Should I cater to my child’s every preference or become a short order cook?

It is important to avoid the temptation of becoming a short order cook and catering to your child’s every preference. By consistently offering a variety of foods, you can encourage your child to try new things and avoid creating a dependence on sweets by using dessert sparingly as a special treat.

What are some mealtime strategies for raising a non picky eater?

Raising a non picky eater requires patience, consistency, and implementing mealtime strategies. Some of these strategies include offering choices, allowing your child to feed themselves, not forcing them to eat, being a role model, trying food more than once, making associations, getting creative, and not putting too much emphasis on food and eating. By following these guidelines, you can encourage healthy eating habits in your child.

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