How To Make Gravy From Turkey Drippings


Are you ready to take your Thanksgiving feast to the next level? One essential component that can elevate your turkey from ordinary to extraordinary is a delicious homemade gravy made from turkey drippings. It’s easier than you think, and with a few expert tips, you’ll have a flavorful gravy that will impress your family and friends.

Forget about store-bought gravy packets or cans. Making your own gravy from scratch not only adds a personal touch to your meal but also ensures a rich and savory taste that can’t be replicated. So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to creating the perfect turkey drippings gravy!

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to make delicious homemade gravy from turkey drippings.
  • Utilize expert tips to create a rich and flavorful gravy for your Thanksgiving turkey.
  • Understand the importance of turkey drippings in enhancing the taste and authenticity of your gravy.
  • Discover the process of straining and skimming the drippings to achieve a smooth and velvety texture.
  • Master the art of making a roux to thicken your gravy and give it a creamy consistency.

The Importance of Turkey Drippings in Gravy

Turkey drippings are an essential ingredient when it comes to creating a flavorful and delicious gravy for your Thanksgiving turkey. When you roast a turkey, the juices and fat from the bird collect in the bottom of the roasting pan, known as pan drippings. These drippings are packed with rich flavor that adds depth and richness to your gravy. Using them as the base for your gravy ensures that you achieve that authentic, homemade taste that will impress your dinner guests.

Unlike store-bought broths or stocks, turkey drippings provide a unique and robust flavor profile that simply cannot be replicated. They capture the essence of the Thanksgiving turkey and infuse it into your gravy, elevating it to a whole new level. The natural fats and juices from the turkey create a rich and savory foundation that enhances the overall taste of the gravy.

By incorporating turkey drippings into your gravy, you are able to savor the true essence of the turkey. The flavorful pan drippings transform the gravy into a culinary masterpiece that complements the roasted bird perfectly. Each spoonful of your homemade gravy will be infused with the irresistible taste of Thanksgiving, taking your meal to new heights.

turkey drippings

Rich Flavor and Unmatched Taste

The rich flavor of turkey drippings is unparalleled. These juices and fats are the result of the slow roasting process, capturing all the natural flavors and aromas of the Thanksgiving turkey. They contain all the savory goodness that seeps out from the bird as it cooks, creating a flavor profile that is truly exceptional.

When you incorporate turkey drippings into your gravy, you infuse it with this rich flavor, enhancing every bite of your Thanksgiving meal. Each spoonful of gravy will be bursting with the succulence and tenderness that make Thanksgiving turkey so special. It’s the essential ingredient that ties the entire meal together, completing the feast with its robust and unforgettable taste.

Creating a Flavorful and Memorable Gravy

Making gravy from turkey drippings allows you to create a gravy that is not only delicious, but also captures the essence of the Thanksgiving experience. It’s the finishing touch that transforms a simple roast turkey into a feast-worthy centerpiece. The natural flavors, combined with the right herbs and seasonings, come together to create a gravy that is indulgent, savory, and deeply satisfying.

Now that you understand the importance of turkey drippings in gravy, it’s time to dive into the details of how to make the perfect gravy from scratch. The next section will guide you through the process of straining and skimming the drippings to ensure a smooth and flavorful gravy that will elevate your Thanksgiving table.

Straining and Skimming the Drippings

Before using turkey drippings to make gravy, it’s important to strain and skim them. This process ensures that your gravy is smooth, flavorful, and free from impurities. Follow these steps to achieve the perfect turkey drippings:

  1. Step 1: Straining the Drippings
  2. Pour the turkey drippings through a fine-mesh sieve, set over a bowl or saucepan. This will remove any solids or impurities that may have accumulated during the roasting process. The strained liquid will be the base of your gravy, providing concentrated flavors.

  3. Step 2: Skimming off Fat
  4. After straining, you will notice a layer of fat floating on top of the drippings. Use a spoon or ladle to gently skim off this excess fat. Removing the fat not only results in a smoother texture but also reduces the greasiness of your gravy. Skimming ensures that your gravy is rich and velvety without being overly oily.

  5. Step 3: Filtering the Drippings
  6. If you want an even smoother gravy, you can further filter the drippings by pouring them through a coffee filter or cheesecloth-lined sieve. This additional step helps eliminate any remaining impurities, resulting in a silky and refined texture.

By straining and skimming the drippings, you remove unwanted solids and excess fat, allowing the true flavors of the turkey to shine through. The result is a smooth, flavorful gravy that will enhance your holiday meal. Now you’re ready to move on to the next step in creating your delicious homemade gravy.

Making a Roux for Thickening

To thicken the turkey gravy, a roux is commonly used. A roux is made by combining equal parts fat, such as butter, and flour to create a paste. This paste is then cooked over low heat until it reaches a golden brown color. The roux acts as a thickening agent for the gravy, giving it a smooth consistency and creamy texture. Making the roux is a quick and easy process that adds depth and body to your gravy.

Creating the Roux

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to making a roux:

  1. Melt equal parts butter and flour in a saucepan over low heat. For example, you can start with 2 tablespoons of butter and 2 tablespoons of flour.
  2. Stir the butter and flour together until well combined to form a smooth paste.
  3. Continue cooking the roux over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 5-7 minutes or until it turns a golden brown color. Be careful not to let it burn.
  4. Once the roux reaches the desired color, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly before adding it to your gravy.

The roux will thicken the gravy as it cooks, creating a rich and velvety texture. It’s important to note that the longer you cook the roux, the darker and more pronounced the flavor will be. For a lighter and more subtle flavor, cook the roux for a shorter amount of time.

Ingredient Amount
Butter 2 tablespoons
Flour 2 tablespoons
making roux

Seasoning and Flavors

Once your gravy has reached the desired consistency, it’s time to season it to perfection. This is where you can get creative and customize the flavors to suit your taste. Adding herbs and spices like thyme, parsley, or rosemary can elevate the flavor profile of your gravy. Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper to taste, as this will enhance the overall taste of the gravy. Experiment with different flavor combinations to find the perfect balance for your Thanksgiving table.

Herb/Spice Description Flavor Profile
Thyme A versatile herb with a slightly minty, lemony flavor. Herbaceous, earthy, and slightly floral.
Parsley A fresh, vibrant herb with a mild, slightly peppery taste. Grassy, bright, and slightly bitter.
Rosemary An aromatic herb with a piney, woody flavor. Resinous, savory, and slightly minty.

By incorporating these flavorful herbs and spices into your gravy, you can take it from ordinary to extraordinary. The herbs will add depth and complexity, while the salt and pepper will enhance the overall taste. Feel free to experiment with different combinations and ratios to create a custom seasoning blend that suits your preferences. Whether you prefer a bold and robust gravy or a more subtle and delicate flavor, the choice is yours. Remember, seasoning is the key to making your gravy truly memorable.

  • A splash of wine (red or white) for added complexity.
  • Garlic or onion powder for a savory kick.
  • A pinch of paprika for a subtle smoky note.


Making gravy from turkey drippings is a simple yet essential skill for any Thanksgiving cook. By utilizing the flavorful pan drippings and following a few expert tips, you can create a homemade gravy that will elevate your turkey to a whole new level.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different herbs and spices to customize the flavors to your liking. Whether it’s thyme, parsley, or rosemary, adding a touch of your favorite herbs can enhance the taste and aroma of your gravy. Salt and pepper are also essential in seasoning the gravy, allowing you to bring out the best flavors in every bite.

With a little practice, you’ll become a gravy-making pro in no time. The more you experiment and refine your skills, the better your gravy will get. So, go ahead and impress your family and friends with your delicious homemade gravy this Thanksgiving. They’ll be amazed at the depth of flavor and texture you’ve created. Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you’ve mastered the art of making gravy from turkey drippings, and savor the compliments that will surely come your way!


What are turkey drippings?

Turkey drippings are the juices and fat that collect in the bottom of the roasting pan when you cook a turkey. These drippings are full of flavor and can be used as the base for homemade gravy.

How do I strain and skim turkey drippings?

Straining and skimming turkey drippings involves pouring them through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any solids or impurities. Skim off any excess fat that has risen to the top of the drippings for a smoother gravy.

What is a roux and how do I make it?

A roux is a mixture of equal parts fat (such as butter) and flour that acts as a thickening agent for gravy. To make a roux, melt the fat in a pan, whisk in the flour, and cook over low heat until it reaches a golden brown color.

How do I season and flavor my gravy?

Seasoning and flavoring your gravy is a personal preference. Add herbs and spices like thyme, parsley, or rosemary to enhance the flavor profile. Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper to taste.

Can I customize the flavors of my gravy?

Absolutely! Experiment with different herbs, spices, and seasonings to create a gravy that suits your taste. Don’t be afraid to get creative and find the perfect balance of flavors for your Thanksgiving table.

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