How To Make Mashed Potatoes


Mashed potatoes are a classic and comforting side dish that pairs well with a variety of meals. Whether you’re planning a holiday feast or just craving some creamy goodness, knowing how to make mashed potatoes is a must-have skill in every home cook’s repertoire.

Creating the perfect mashed potatoes involves a few key steps and techniques. From selecting the right potatoes to achieving a creamy and fluffy texture, we’ll guide you through the process to ensure your mashed potatoes turn out smooth and delicious every time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Homemade mashed potatoes are easy to make with basic ingredients like potatoes, butter, and sour cream.
  • The choice of potato and cooking technique can impact the texture of your mashed potatoes.
  • Tips and tricks, such as draining the potatoes well and mashing them by hand, can help achieve the desired consistency.
  • Additions like Parmesan cheese, garlic, or chicken bouillon can elevate the flavor of your mashed potatoes.
  • Mashed potatoes can be served with various dishes and stored for future use.

Creamy Homemade Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Indulge in the irresistibly smooth and velvety goodness of homemade mashed potatoes with this creamy mashed potato recipe. Made with Yukon Gold potatoes, butter, sour cream, and a touch of half & half, these mashed potatoes are the perfect accompaniment to any meal.

To create this buttery delight, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 4 large Yukon Gold potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup half & half
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

To bring out the full flavor and creamy texture, follow these simple steps:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  2. Place the potato cubes in a large pot of salted water.
  3. Bring the water to a boil and cook the potatoes until they are fork-tender.
  4. Drain the potatoes well, then return them to the pot.
  5. Add the butter, sour cream, and half & half to the potatoes.
  6. Mash the mixture until smooth and creamy. For an extra velvety consistency, use a potato ricer.
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

For added flavor and variation, you can include optional ingredient additions like grated Parmesan cheese, minced garlic, or a hint of chicken bouillon. These additions will take your homemade mashed potatoes to the next level, satisfying even the most discerning palates.

Now, you can enjoy the buttery goodness of these homemade mashed potatoes alongside your favorite main dishes.

Indulge in the irresistible creaminess of this homemade mashed potato recipe. It’s the ultimate comfort food that will leave you craving for more.
Ingredients Instructions
4 large Yukon Gold potatoes Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes.
1 teaspoon salt Place the potato cubes in a pot of salted water and boil until fork-tender.
4 tablespoons butter Drain the potatoes and return them to the pot. Add the butter, sour cream, and half & half.
1/4 cup sour cream Mash the mixture until smooth and creamy. Season with salt and pepper.
1/4 cup half & half Optional: Add ingredients like Parmesan cheese, garlic, or chicken bouillon for added flavor.
1/4 teaspoon black pepper Serve hot and enjoy!

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Mashed Potatoes

To achieve perfect mashed potatoes, there are several tips and tricks to keep in mind. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your mashed potatoes turn out fluffy, creamy, and absolutely delicious.

1. Drain the Cooked Potatoes Well

After boiling the potatoes, it’s crucial to drain them well to remove any excess moisture. This helps prevent watery mashed potatoes and ensures a smoother texture.

2. Mash the Potatoes Properly

When it comes to mashing the potatoes, there are a few options you can choose from. You can hand mash them for a slightly chunkier texture or use a potato ricer for a smoother, creamier consistency. Experiment with both methods to find your preferred texture.

3. Don't Skimp on Butter

Butter is key to achieving rich and flavorful mashed potatoes. Be generous with the amount of butter you add, as it adds richness and enhances the taste. The creamy and velvety texture of the mashed potatoes comes from the combination of butter and potatoes.

4. Heat the Milk or Cream

Prior to adding the milk or cream to the mashed potatoes, warm it up. This helps with absorption, resulting in mashed potatoes that stay hot and creamy. Cold milk or cream can cool down the potatoes, affecting the overall texture.

5. Season with Salt and Pepper

To bring out the flavors of the mashed potatoes, don’t forget to season them with salt and pepper. Start with a small amount and taste as you go, gradually adding more until it reaches your desired taste.

6. Get Creative with Variations

You can elevate your mashed potatoes by incorporating various flavor variations. Consider adding sour cream, Greek yogurt, or cheddar cheese for tanginess and extra creaminess. These additions will give your mashed potatoes a unique twist and make them even more enjoyable.

fluffy mashed potatoes

Incorporating these tips and tricks into your mashed potato-making process will help you achieve the perfect batch every time. From properly draining the cooked potatoes to adding ample butter and incorporating variations, these steps will ensure you serve fluffy and creamy mashed potatoes that will impress everyone at your table.

The Best Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes

When it comes to making perfect mashed potatoes, choosing the right type of potato is crucial. Starchy varieties like Russet potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes, or Idaho potatoes are considered the best options. These potatoes have a high starch content, which results in a fluffy and creamy texture when mashed.

Russet Potatoes: Russet potatoes, also known as baking potatoes, are a popular choice for making mashed potatoes. They have a dry and starchy texture, making them easy to mash and resulting in light, fluffy potatoes.

Yukon Gold Potatoes: Yukon Gold potatoes are another excellent option for mashed potatoes. They have a naturally buttery and creamy flavor, which adds richness to the dish. The skin of Yukon Gold potatoes can be left on for added texture and color.

Idaho Potatoes: Idaho potatoes, often referred to as “russet-type” potatoes, are similar to Russet potatoes in terms of texture and starch content. They have a fluffy and light texture when mashed, making them ideal for creamy mashed potatoes.

When using Russet or Idaho potatoes, it’s recommended to peel the tough skin before boiling. Meanwhile, you can leave the skin on the Yukon Gold potatoes for added texture and flavor.

The choice of potato ultimately depends on personal preference. You can experiment with different varieties to find the one that suits your taste and desired texture.

Adding an image of the different potato varieties can visually enhance the understanding of the topic.

Step-by-Step Guide: How To Make Mashed Potatoes

Follow these simple steps to make homemade mashed potatoes:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into quarters.
  2. Place the potatoes in a pot of cold salted water.
  3. Bring the water to a boil and cook the potatoes until they are fork-tender.
  4. Drain the cooked potatoes well.
  5. Add butter to the potatoes and begin mashing.
  6. Gradually pour in warmed milk or cream while mashing until the desired consistency is reached.
  7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Serve hot and enjoy!

Now you have a step-by-step guide to making delicious homemade mashed potatoes. It’s a simple cooking process that anyone can master. Give it a try and impress your family and friends with this classic side dish!

Optional Ingredient Additions for Mashed Potatoes

To add a burst of flavor to your mashed potatoes, consider incorporating these optional ingredients. Whether you want to enhance the taste with umami notes, add a garlicky twist, or introduce cheesy goodness, these variations will elevate your mashed potato game. Give them a try and customize your mashed potatoes to suit your taste preferences.

1. Parmesan Cheese

Incorporating shredded Parmesan cheese during the mashing process adds a delightful nutty taste and creamy texture to your mashed potatoes. The cheese melts into the potatoes and creates a rich and indulgent side dish that pairs well with various main courses.

2. Garlic Goodness

For a flavorful twist, minced fresh garlic sautéed in olive oil is a fantastic addition to your mashed potatoes. The sautéed garlic adds a robust and aromatic element, infusing the potatoes with a distinctive taste. The combination of creamy potatoes and savory garlic creates a mouthwatering dish that is sure to impress.

3. Chicken Bouillon Boost

If you’re looking to amp up the savory flavor, consider stirring in chicken bouillon to your mashed potatoes. This simple addition adds depth and richness to the dish, enhancing every bite. The chicken bouillon complements the natural flavors of the potatoes and creates a comforting and satisfying side dish.

With these optional ingredient additions, your mashed potatoes will go from ordinary to extraordinary. The variations give you the freedom to experiment and tailor the flavors to your liking. Whether you choose to add Parmesan cheese, garlic, chicken bouillon, or a combination of all three, your mashed potatoes will be a hit at any meal.

Optional Ingredient Additions Description
Parmesan Cheese Shredded Parmesan cheese adds a nutty taste and creamy texture to the mashed potatoes.
Garlic Sautéed minced garlic infused with olive oil provides a robust and aromatic flavor to the mashed potatoes.
Chicken Bouillon A small amount of chicken bouillon creates depth and richness in the mashed potatoes.

Enhance your mashed potato experience by trying out these optional ingredient additions. Whether you prefer the cheesy goodness of Parmesan, the garlicky twist, or the savory boost of chicken bouillon, these variations will take your mashed potatoes to the next level.

Optional Ingredient Additions for Mashed Potatoes

Serving and Storing Mashed Potatoes

Once you’ve made a delicious batch of mashed potatoes, it’s time to serve and store them properly. Mashed potatoes are incredibly versatile and make a perfect side dish for various main courses and sauces. Whether you’re serving them with a Thanksgiving turkey and savory gravy or enjoying them as a comforting comfort food, mashed potatoes are always a crowd-pleaser.

When it comes to storing mashed potato leftovers, it’s important to do it right to maintain their flavor and texture. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Transfer any leftover mashed potatoes to an airtight container.
  2. Place the container in the refrigerator. Mashed potatoes can be stored in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.
  3. To reheat, preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  4. Transfer the mashed potatoes to a covered casserole dish.
  5. Reheat the mashed potatoes in the oven for about 20-30 minutes or until heated through.
  6. Remember to stir the mashed potatoes halfway through the reheating process for even heating.

Note: If you’re in a hurry, you can also reheat small portions of mashed potatoes in the microwave. Just make sure to stir them frequently to prevent any cold spots.

If you have a large batch of mashed potatoes and want to save some for later use, freezing is an option. Follow these steps:

  1. Scoop the mashed potatoes into individual freezer-safe containers or freezer bags.
  2. Remove as much air as possible from the containers or bags before sealing.
  3. Date and label the containers or bags.
  4. Place the mashed potatoes in the freezer.
  5. Frozen mashed potatoes can be stored for up to 2-3 months.
  6. To thaw, transfer the frozen mashed potatoes to the refrigerator and let them defrost overnight.
  7. Reheat the thawed mashed potatoes following the reheating instructions mentioned earlier.

Now you can enjoy your homemade mashed potatoes anytime, knowing that they will be just as delicious as when you first made them!

Serving Suggestions
1. Top with a pat of butter and sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs like parsley or chives.
2. Create a well in the center of a serving of mashed potatoes and fill it with your favorite gravy.
3. Add extra flavor by mixing in cooked and crumbled bacon, caramelized onions, or sautéed mushrooms.
4. Make shepherd’s pie by layering mashed potatoes over a savory meat and vegetable filling.
5. Serve alongside roasted chicken, grilled steak, or seared pork chops for a complete and satisfying meal.


In conclusion, making homemade mashed potatoes is a simple and satisfying process. By following the steps outlined in this article and incorporating optional ingredient additions, you can create creamy, smooth, and fluffy mashed potatoes that will elevate any meal. Whether you prefer the classic buttery flavor or want to experiment with variations like Parmesan cheese, garlic, or chicken bouillon, mashed potatoes offer endless possibilities.

Remember to choose the right potatoes for the best results, opting for starchy varieties like Russet, Yukon Gold, or Idaho potatoes. These potatoes have a high starch content that ensures a fluffy and creamy texture when mashed. Don’t forget to drain the cooked potatoes well and add ample amounts of butter for richness.

Serve your mashed potatoes as a delicious side dish with various main courses and sauces. They pair perfectly with turkey and gravy, but they can also be enjoyed as a comforting comfort food on their own. Leftover mashed potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen for later use, allowing you to enjoy this classic side dish whenever you please.


How do you make creamy mashed potatoes?

To make creamy mashed potatoes, you can use ingredients like butter and sour cream. Boil the potatoes until fork-tender, then mash them with butter and a mixture of half & half and sour cream. Season with salt and pepper for added flavor.

What are the best potatoes to use for mashed potatoes?

The best potatoes to use for mashed potatoes are starchy varieties like Russet potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes, or Idaho potatoes. These potatoes have a high starch content, resulting in a fluffy and creamy texture when mashed.

What are some tips for making perfect mashed potatoes?

Some tips for making perfect mashed potatoes include draining the cooked potatoes well to remove excess moisture, mashing the potatoes by hand or using a potato ricer for a creamy texture, and adding ample amounts of butter for richness. Heating the milk or cream before adding it to the mashed potatoes also helps with absorption and ensures the potatoes stay hot.

Can I add additional ingredients to my mashed potatoes?

Yes, you can add additional ingredients to your mashed potatoes for different flavors. Some popular variations include adding shredded Parmesan cheese, minced garlic sautéed in olive oil, or chicken bouillon for added depth of flavor.

What can I serve with mashed potatoes?

Mashed potatoes can be served as a side dish with various main courses and sauces. They are especially delicious with turkey and gravy or as a comforting comfort food.

How do I store leftover mashed potatoes?

Leftover mashed potatoes can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They can be reheated in a covered casserole dish in the oven or frozen and thawed before reheating.

How do I make mashed potatoes from scratch?

To make mashed potatoes from scratch, you can follow these simple steps: peel and quarter the potatoes, boil them until fork-tender, drain well, mash with butter, gradually add warmed milk or cream while mashing, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

What are some optional ingredient additions for mashed potatoes?

Some optional ingredient additions for mashed potatoes include shredded Parmesan cheese, minced garlic sautéed in olive oil, and chicken bouillon for added flavor.

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